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Bacteriostatic Water 20ml$28.00
Vial Crimper 20mm$154.00
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A hypodermic needle is a very thin, hollow tube with a sharp tip that contains a small opening at the pointed end. It is commonly used with a syringe, a hand-operated device with a plunger, to inject substances into the body. Higher gauge (31G) are thinner than lower gauge thicker (19G) needles. Thicker needles are for drawing from a vial.
Terumo's Hypodermic needles use a unique double bevel design and precision manufacturing to provide ultra sharp needles, which translate into greater comfort for the patient.
In Independent laboratory testing Terumo needles were shown on average to be the sharpest among brands tested: 10% sharper than BD needles and 16% sharper than Covidien needles.